• Communication includes all of the procedures by which one mind may affect another.
  • Communication is the mechanism throuh which human relation exist and develop.
  • Communication is simply the sharing of an orientation toward a set of informational signal.
  • The imparting, conveying, or exchange of ideas, knowledge, etc.
  • The transfer of thoughts and messages by sign and sound.

  • Refers to communication over long distance.
  • It covers all form of distance and conversion of the original communication, including radio, telegraphy, television, data communication and computer networking.
  • It also can be define as process of transmitting or receiving information over a distance by any electrical or electromagnetic medium.

  1. Point to point
  2. Ponit to multipoint
  3. Broadcasting

Development of Communications Technology & Computer Technology

The element of Computer and Communication technology

  • the most important element in communication.
  • they built, analyse and develop the system.
  • they operate the computer.
  • two categories of people involved in computer and telecommunication:
  1. Professional - those who has gone true specialised training in theory and technical aspects.
  2. End User - those who only knows how to use without special training in the field.
  • An ordered set of tasks for performing some action.
  • A clear specification for the sequence, timing, execution, etc. of the process.
  • A procedure is a specification of the series of action, acts or operation which have to be some executed in the same manner in order to obtain always the same result in the same circumstances (for example, emergency procedures).
  • Information stored on the computer system, used by application to accomplish task.
  • A representation of facts, concept, or instruction in a formalized manner suitable for communication, interpretation, or processing by human or automated means.
  • A formal representation of raw metarial from which information is consructed via processing or interpretation.
  • Data is fundamentally any information of interest, but these day, the word data implies a binary (base 2 arithmetic), machine-readable representation of information.
  • A representation of facts or concepts in an organized manner in order that it may be stored, communicated, interpreted, or processed by automated means.

4.Hardware (equipment/devices)
  • The basic operation of a computer system are : IPOS
  • Computers need hardware to operates.
  • 5 categories of ICT equipment/devices:(Input, Process, Output, Storage & Communication).
  • The instructions executed by a computer, as opposed to the physical device on which they run
  • Software refers to parts of the computer that have no material form; programs, data, protocols, etc are all software. When software is stored in hardware that cannot easily be modified (such as BIOS ROM in an IBM PC compatible), it is sometimes termed firmware to indicate that it falls into an area of uncertainty between hardware and software
  • A computer program is a collection of instructions that describe a task, or set of tasks, to be carried out by a computer.
  • The term computer program may refer to source code, written in a programming language, or to the executable form of this code. Computer programs are also known as software, applications programs, system software or simply programs.
  •   1. system software
      2. application software

  • Communication
  • transmission of data (electronic data)
  • Conversion of data analog–to-digital digital-to-analog


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